Want To Get Rich? Get Your Finances Right!
As finance is one of the most important aspects to master in life, I have curated some of the best resources to learn about Personal Finances for free.
If you want to learn the minimum of personal finance and change your mindset towards money then start with Ankur Warikoo’s personal finance playlist. There he starts with the mindset needed towards money and goes all the way to invest in foreign exchanges.
Link : Click here.
2. CA Rachana Phakde Ranade
She addresses some more advance concepts and domains of Finance. If you want to go full on in finance, you should definitely check her out.
Link : Click here.
3. Pranjal Kamra
Another personal finance guru who also focuses on the specifics of it. You can find fund comparisons and financing advices both under the same roof.
Link : Click here.
4. Labour Law Advisor
You can already get a gist of what it is all about just from the name itself. You can find a lot of tax and general financing advices on this channel. Do check it out too.
Link : Click here.
5. Asset Yogi
Here you can find everything related to stock market investing. He covers a wide range of topics like which broker to choose to smallcases as well.
Link : Click here.
6. Andrei Jikh
Now moving on to international personal finance experts the first name that comes in mind is Andrei. His content swings between Stock Market and Crypto. His videos are quite interesting because of him being a magician as well.
Link : Click here.
7. Crypto Casey
Here comes crypto in the game. Learn how to start investing in Crypto from Casey’s best video on it.
Link : Click here.
8. JRNY Crypto
If you want to take a nice dip in crypto world JRNY Crypto is one of the best channels on YouTube for it. You will find weekly updates and advices as well.
Link : Click here.
Notice : None of the above creators nor do I provide it as Financial Advice.